About this submission

Serving as my HBCU undergrad capstone project and directorial debut, I was adamant about capturing a nuanced depiction of black inter-male affection that diverged from the rigid stigmas of black masculinity and sexuality. The narrative pulls directly from fading anecdotal memories of evanescent male friendships that straddled that blurry line between platonic affection and faint flickers of romance, that perished due to fears of intimacy and sexual misunderstanding. Although there have been countless films with themes of black male violence, sexuality, and abandonment, I had yet to see a story, untouched by sexual categorization, about the oppressiveness of an assumption.

Kyle Walker is an independent screenwriter, director, cinematographer, and composer. He is a Student Academy Award Semifinalist and graphic artist with a background in visual design. Merging neorealist traditions with the doctrines of Third Cinema, his filmography centers on monochromatic fictional narrative dramas focused on expressing the complexity of mundanity, the black American condition, and the nature of black orphanhood. more...

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