About this submission

I wanted to tell a story defined by intense, honest emotions. A typically no-nonsense, cheerful young woman calls her best friend back home after a long day moving in. The lead is still reeling from the implosion of a long-term relationship, while her friend is in a very different stage of life, planning her own wedding. Specifically, I wanted to show that the main character wasn’t jealous or passive-aggressive. Not at all -- she fears being left behind. We filmed at sunset, where the vivid colors would cool as the piece shifted, her composure shakes, and the floodgates are open.

Angelina Lee is a director and cinematographer who focuses on the natural world. She was named an Obama Fellow at Occidental College’s Barack Obama Scholars Program to produce a documentary about regenerative agriculture, THE BIG RAISE. She worked as the writer, director, VFX artist, and editor for short fiction film QUERCUS, and writer, director, DP, and editor for the narrative short THREAD. Her most recent work, the feature-length documentary MAKING A MINI-FOREST, covers the emerging international movement to plant "mini-forests" in cities to address climate change and support local biodiversity. The film premiered at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification’s COP16 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. more...

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