About this submission

My film is based on the true story of my father and his time in America as a foreign exchange student from South Vietnam. Now turning 77, I made this as a tribute to his grand life and as a thank-you gift for being the best father anyone could ask for.

The story of him and his peers has never been told before, and I hope that it portrays the Vietnamese people as something more than victims of trauma. This is the first film ever made about Vietnamese immigrants in the United States before the Vietnam War ended in 1975.

Born and raised in San Diego, California, Duy Do is a first-generation Vietnamese-American filmmaker. He studied at San Diego State University, majoring in Television, Film, and New Media, with an emphasis in production. Inspired by his cultural identity, Do wishes to share his heritage in his stories. He is determined to uplift his people into the pantheon of cinema and create stories that bridge the two worlds of the East and West. more...

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