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Shaz is sat on the bus going to work and while reading the morning news there is a loud ping. She is slightly surprised because it's the first time she is hearing this new ping alert. She forgot she fiddled with the sounds the night before. She sees it's a text immediately as it drops as a banner. Totally engrossed into her world with her android, clicks into the notification to read the entire text. It's one single line that says "dont look back" from an unknown number. Completely perturbed she looks up from the phone and stares ahead at other passengers, waiting for an indicator of who the sender might be, but if they knew something, they were giving nothing away . Too scared to look back she looks to the side, and searched faces outside as her journey pass by other people, businesses , vans and cars in adjacent lanes.

Dionne Walker, filmmaker, photographer, producer, curator, cultural activist using film, cinema, documentaries to interrupt, disturb and create change in the world. I'm African, Caribbean, Black, Woman, Other so I'm seeking to level the playing field for the likes of me, and all those who are categorised as Others...those marginalised or who are on the periphery. more...

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