About this submission

Families are complicated and dysfunctional. Being the backbone of our family, it was the unthinkable for my Mom to leave home for college in search for a better future. She was the mother figure putting her siblings before herself. I wanted to speak about the unfortunate progression to when that limit is reached. I wanted to shine light on a story of the tough love and sacrifice necessary to break an unforgiving cycle. This script developed with the belief that her story, the dreams she thought were too big, were universal and would inspire many in similar situations.

Kymon Greyhorse is a Diné + Tongan + 2Spirit award-winning director, editor, and writer from Albuquerque, New Mexico. His first short film I AM HOME premiered at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival eventually bringing the opportunity to be photographed by renowned American photographer, Annie Leibovitz for Ikea. Greyhorse is a 2022 Sundance Indigenous alum and was included in HuffPost’s 2023 Culture Shifters list as "reimagining what the future of cinema looks like". His work explores the human experience normalizing Indigenous/Polynesian stories and existence. He is honored to hold a BFA degree in Film & Digital Arts from UNM. He wants his films to inspire and empower yearning voices that have been silenced for too long. more...

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