About this submission

I like exploring the taboo and challenging myself to tell a story that's culturally significant. In the state of the world we find ourselves in, it has become increasingly clear that the stories we ought to tell are the ones that aren't being told. Putting onto the big screen what everybody's thinking but are too scared to say out loud -- that's where I love to come in and bridge that gap. There's been little depiction I've seen that honorably surrounds the homeless or squatter community, and I wanted to shine light on that. Especially with a lead female role.

I've always been a writer and storyteller. Ideas come to me usually when I'm engaging with my community. Whether that's distributing food and books at Mighty Writers in West Philadelphia, filling out book requests from letters of inmates at Book Through Bars, or tutoring kids at my library, I want to share the stories of the people. more...

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