About this submission

I recently made "Soundproof" with the intent of representing gaslighting against women, a problem that continues to grow in underrepresented communities. With the support of my team, a crew made up of mostly minorities that have experienced these issues first hand, we were able to bring this message to light.
We are very happy with how it has been received by the public, showing how many people relate to our story. Our film has led us to multiple festivals and even in getting accepted into the "Tomorrow's Filmmakers Today" Fellowship with Warner Media.

Gabriela Lima came from Brazil to the United States with the intention of studying what she loves: Film. During this path, she realized her passion grew in the form of Directing. She has a love for psychological thrillers and dramas. Her movies make statements about controversial topics and her vision focuses mostly on internal conflicts. She bases most of her work on her perception of society. She recently started producing short films, documentaries, and docuseries. more...

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