About this submission

Archives and records within all marginalized communities are often obsolete. In the quest towards freedom, records are left and histories become oralities. This is my attempt at digging, recovering and resurrecting my family's own archives; I document my loved ones, our lineage, our people, and most importantly our humanity. This is a conversation between the archives.

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Santos Arrué is a Honduran-Guatemalan-American filmmaker born and raised in Los Angeles. Her work consists of nonfiction and fiction images that dissect the ruptures within the immigrant experience in America. Her films use archival images of both past and present with the intent to create new timelines. Her short documentary “En Casas Ajenas” (In A Stranger's Home) screened at the Cine+Mas San Francisco Latino Film Festival in September 2019. Santos Arrué is a recent CalArts graduate with a BFA in Film/Video. more...

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