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When life couldn't get any worse, Jack finds he is flying from Glasgow and not Gatwick. Attempting to catch a last minute train from London, he is confronted about his stage in life by passengers he doesn't want to be sat with.

More than 5 people a week jump in front of a train or tube in London. This story is a rallying cry to notice those around us. For those struggling, it encourages us all to reach out and talk to someone. Men are also three times more likely to commit suicide than women. This is also a coming of age story told in the form of a man in his late 20s. A study says people aren’t actually adults until their 30s, and this is part of Jack’s unknown frustration.

Stephen Maddox
London, UK
A live event producer in the US and UK for crowds from 10,000 to 100,000+. Transitioning to film. With several short films under my belt and lots of concepts and ideas, am looking to make some of the features and series I've written and collaborate on projects with others.

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