About this submission

¿Y si el karma existiera de verdad y la única mujer capaz de usarlo fuera asesinada?
¿Y si tuviera el destino de la humanidad en sus manos, pero solo buscara vengarse?

Born in 1968, he started with video and TV in Gijón, Asturias (Spain) in 1993, developing video projects of all kinds: From local TV programs with artistic and cultural content, to video clips for groups such as Manta Ray, or horror film cycles for the International Film Festival of Gijón, documentaries, short films, advertising spots... He has worked as a graphic and web designer, publicist, creative... In 2003 he lands in Madrid as a graphic editor of the leisure magazine "Salir Salir Madrid" and was still linked to IT: Programming, hardware, systems, team coordination... In January 2015, he returned to his beginnings and founded TransReal360, a production company of 360º VR immersive projects. more...

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