About this submission

I wanted to tell a story about a broken relationship and reconnection. Specifically, a story about the people in our life that no matter how much we try to push away. They will always be a part of us. Regardless of what they have done to us, we must try to move forward and find a middle ground where we accept to let them back into our life. Even if it means they might hurt us again.

Enrique Cruz Torres is a Mexican American Filmmaker. Born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and partially raised in Chihuahua, Mexico. Enrique grew up in a Spanish-speaking household; he discovered and quickly understood the power of film and visual media as a universal language. From this, he developed his passion for storytelling and filmmaking. Being a 1st generation student, Enrique attended the University of New Mexico. He worked on a variety of projects and gained an understanding he wanted to perfect his craft to direct. more...

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