About this submission

A documentary about a trip to Wellington (New Zealand) making stops in New York and Sydney, using only an iPhone 4 and Final cut pro. Videoloop is a video and audio editing form that creates an illusion of meaning, a sense of music. There is no music at all in this video, only the editing.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: @fluipe

Youtube https://youtu.be/dpbL8VKGDdc

Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Mobile filmmaking pioneer, winner of short film festivals worldwide including Interfilm Berlin 2004-Micromovie Award (Berlin, Germany), Mobifest (Toronto, Canada, 2008), Nontzefilm (Bilbao, Spain 2006) Función Video (Barcelona, ​​Spain 2007), Filmmaka (Los Angeles, USA 2007), among others. Teacher in Seattle Film Institute (WA, USA), Education Director in IDB Family Association (Washington, D.C.), Lecturer-researcher in Autonoma University, Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali University, Xaveriana University, and Externado University. Convergent media production, cloud and mobile tools for social networking. Guest speaker in Cátedra UNESCO (Unesco Lecture) (Pontifical Xaveriana University, Bogotá 2014), FELAFACS 2012, Lima University (Lima, Peru and MINA 2012 Symposium in Massey University and AUT, Wellington and Auckand, New Zealand. Social Communicator Journalism BA in Autonoma University (Cali, Colombia), MA in Information and Knowledge Society at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona, ​​Spain), course in screenwriting in EICTV San Antonio de los Baños (Cuba), and Robert McKee’s Story seminar (Bogota), Diploma in Audiovisual Business Management at Externado University (Bogota). Winner of the Colombian Culture Ministry film calls (Bogotá, 1998) in feature film for television, Automatic fund winner to attend the Buenos Aires Talent Campus (BSAS, Argentina 2005). more...

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