About this submission
A video pitch for a short sci fi film entitled "Grey Strangers"
Long Beach, CA, USA
Born and raised in Southern California, I'm a Husband and Father who loves filmmaking. Personally beyond film, I love anything nerdy: Sci Fi, Fantasy, Comic Books, Video Games etc. I also love reading non fiction, photography, working out and cooking. I’m a people person and I enjoy collaboration and play very well with others. Professionally, I’ve bounce around in different positions in the industry but have found that I truly am happiest when, writing or directing. I currently work as an administrator at the School of Art at Cal State Long Beach and the skills I’ve acquired at this position make me also want to try my hand at producing as well. When it comes to writing I’m interested in both episodic and features in both live action and animation and have written several original and spec scripts for both. My short tern career goal is to either sell a script, find an agent, find a producer to aid in making a script, or sell one of my original series ideas. Long term goal is to not have to hold on to my office job and work full time in the industry as a writer or filmmaker. more...