About this submission

An attempt to articulate the unspoken bond between childhood friends and to portray the courage it takes to be known and loved by another.

Livened by the notion of a story reflective of all women her age experiencing a sort of communal demoralization, that is: living in a world that was never reflective of our needs, cycles, cadence, or style; her upcoming film is an homage to that notion and an incredibly personal tale of self-discovery as well as one of rebellion, change, re-establishment, and (wo)man’s search for meaning in the face of the masculine myth of the US American landscape. Twenty-four years old, born and raised in Seattle, WA, Georgia has directed more than ten short films and has enjoyed working on sets from Hawaii to Berlin, exhibiting both her film and photography works in various galleries. Now in prep for her debut feature, she intends to continue using the craft of filmmaking to engage and remain in conversation with her questions and ponderings of the world. more...

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