About this submission

I did both the Sound and the Music for this clip. Sound is used to heighten the sense of reality and augment the visual experience overall.

The music serves several purposes:

- It creates tension while harmonizing with the established soundscape.

- It introduces a subtle Argentinian/Piazzollean harmonic flavor through the use of the ostinatos, setting the scene's location and mood.

- It pairs characters with instruments.

- It misleads the audience when he enters the room and she is asleep.

- It conveys her influence on him. The theme (inspired by Bach) is played on the organ (at the beginning) and then on the guitar after he puts the money in the bag. This was particularly challenging, as the theme needed to work on both instruments.

- It amplifies the depiction of love in its most biblical sense through choral music when they are in the room. We are witnessing a good thing about us, humans, that can relate to all of us and inspire us to become better and more kind/supportive human beings.

- It enhances the story and visuals by taking artistic risks, such as having him play the theme on the guitar, blurring the lines between diegetic and non-diegetic sound.

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