About this submission

I used to have a bad habit of mimicry. Obsessively, I’d go to Wikipedia and commit to memory everything about someone I admired. Where did they go to college? What were their hobbies when they were young? Did they drink? I'd steal it all. I found false hope in others’ skin because I had never felt welcome in mine. I remember earnestly praying to God that I'd wake up as someone else. I told this story to excise that from myself—the self-hate, the self-destruction—and those who've felt it too. Because, as the film depicts, it leads only to deeper loneliness.

Elijah Barry is an award-winning independent filmmaker and MFA graduate of the FSU College of Motion Picture Arts. One of six children, raised by a single mother, he's compelled to tell stories for and about working-class people: swelling walls, complex emotions, home appliances in poor repair. His recent work includes producing the short film, FIELD MOUSE (2024), a music video for the band “Fetch Tiger”, and a music video for the artist "two blinks, i love you". In 2023, Elijah was a finalist for the Adobe Sundance Ignite Fellowship. more...

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