About this submission

During the pandemic, my sister and I took up slacklining as a way to connect with one another and help clear our minds. Given the positive impact slacklining had on my sister and I's relationship and our mental health, I chose slacklining as the subject of my college thesis film. This documentary tells the story of slackliner, Nathan Paulin as he prepares for his next big event. As he does, he learns to not only balance on the line, but balance family and work life as well.

Matthew Cheung is a documentary filmmaker from Los Angeles with awards from the DGA and ASC. He tells stories that push the boundaries of visual techniques with subjects about dreamers, nature, and family. Matthew hopes to travel the world and tell stories that bring people together and spread happiness. He currently works in Los Angeles as a freelance director, cinematographer, and editor with past clients like Google, Nike, Meta, and more. more...

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