Sylvia Sæther

Los Angeles, CA, United States

Sylvia Saether is an American-Norwegian award-winning writer and director from Northern California who first began to hone her distinct narrative style by directing, shooting, and editing music videos. In 2009, she was one of eight selected for the American Film Institute's Directing Workshop for Women (DWW+), one of four chosen for the Sony Television Diverse Directors Program (2014), and one of six for the Film Independent Directing Lab where Sylvia was mentored by Catherine Hardwicke (2015).

Most recently she participated in Ryan Murphy’s HALF Program where she shadowed Nelson Cragg on FX’s American Crime Story: Versace. Sylvia’s films have screened at festivals worldwide, winning "Best Narrative Short" for her DWW+ film at LACMA's Young Directors Night, and for her short King of Norway at the Napa Valley Film Festival. Her feature script for King of Norway was selected by a jury for the American Film Institute's Alumni Script reading series as well as the New Cinema Network in Italy. Sylvia is repped by Cullen Conly at Mosiac.