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1984, hoping to take his career to the next level, Julio Azuela, a rising star and the youngest son of the legendary Azuela professional wrestling family, must decide whether to stay with his father’s dwindling El Paso territory or join a rival promotion in New York City.
This scene is from a television pilot I’m currently developing and is a rough skeleton of the script’s potential climax.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Richard Heredia-Arriaga is a writer, director and Sundance Co//ab community leader. Born and raised in Sacramento, CA, he currently lives in Los Angeles, CA and has a BA in Cinema from San Francisco State University and an MFA in Film & Television Production from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. His graduate thesis film, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, had its World Premiere at the 67th Festival de Cannes Short Film Corner and was nominated for Best Short Film, Best Director and Best Lead Actor at the 2014 New York City International Film Festival. The film garnered an award for Emerging Latino Filmmaker at the Los Angeles Diversity Film Festival, won Honorable Mention for Best Short Film at the Highland Park Independent Film Festival and screened at the 10th annual HollyShorts Film Festival. He has also worked as a Teaching Artist with Ghetto Film School and is currently in the process of developing his first feature film, BORDER LAWYER, which was selected for the second round of consideration for the 2021 Development Lab. As Sundance Co//ab continues to expand, he hopes to continue to grow as an artist and help others along the way. more...