About this submission

With a challenge of taking a muted clip, this sonic world is a product of my own imagination by wandering how the soundscape and the emotion of the story through striking visuals and dramatic lightings. While the obvious dark mode setting, I was challenged to also incorporate more layers beneath the theme, both sonically and story-wise.

Alice Wibisono, a passionate filmmaker based in Indonesia and Los Angeles, has a deep appreciation for the art of storytelling. Her focus on the intricate world of sound design has driven her to explore and convey narratives through the power of sound. She has actively contributed to a diverse range of projects, including narrative short films, animations, and commercials, and her prior role as a Post Production Intern at Palari Films further sharpened her skills in the professional post-production realm. You can catch her geeking out over creating sounds for gorillas, horror stuffs (even though she didn’t like watching horror), and cute wholesome animations! And if sound isn't your cup of tea, she's always ready to engage in conversations about food recipes or hiking trails. more...

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