About this submission
This initiative was started to create awareness among society. It has been internationally appreciated by OIPA International. http://www.oipa.org/international
And from now all the pet stories will be released under this great collaboration. It will definitely help for wider reach.
Concept, Direction, DOP (Camera) & Post - Production - Vishal Sakhala (#VS) The story narrates about a retired Coronal from the Indian Army Mr. Rohit Tiwari who has adopted with his family a couple of stray dogs with special needs and other two homeless cats. Usually, after working for the Indian Army and serving the nation, he would have relaxed and enjoyed his life with a good retirement pension but he has instead chosen to work for strays till the end of his life. He is now working for the wellbeing of stray animals with the team of his charity Tails & Trees.
Do you have a pet? Then you have a story.
Get in touch to get it filmed.
Call @ 844641443 | 8999132103