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Roommates Wanted: Alive and Other

In 2060 Artificial Intelligent beings are likely living among us. This pilot posits how part of the natural training program for AIs would be to live with humans in order to start to understand their bizarre often un-understandable behavior. Because AI’s are made in the image of humans (echoing God’s own plan) these close encounters will add up to not only close encounters but confused and comedic ones as well.

Pamela Winfrey
Tempe, AZ, USA
Pamela Winfrey is an award winning playwright, screenwriter, and novelist and enjoys writing works that explore the relationship between surrealism, science, mental health, and perception. She is also the Scientific Research Curator for a cancer lab and a cooperation and conflict lab at Arizona State University. As a curator, she specializes in science, art, and technology. Desert Trilogy, a three part short film series she wrote and produced with writer Terry Selucky, is in post production.

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